LGR Augustina, sired by SRR Virginian,
out of JB Y-Easter , by HD Vizier Imhotep
Due April 21, 25 to LGR Kiwi
LGR M&M, Nov 7, 24, sired by Morgan Rivers Zinger, out of LGR Chocolatte, by KT A-Rockin On.
LGR Lilly Bell, Silver Heifer 10-29-23, sired by Willowcreek Jambalaya, out of Jersey Lily
Eagles Run Marie, Nov 11,2012, sired by Yamba Werewolf, out of Eagles Run Lavender Cotton by Twin Fir Smokin' Cotton
LGR Major DoMo, dark bull, born Nov 17, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
"Ester" TR95G Zam, born Feb 26, 2017, sired by Morgan Rivers Zamora, out of 09 Miss 07W by MLJ Ulysses
Due June, 2025 to Marire Gambler
LGR Marley, Nov 3, 24, sired by Morgan Rivers Zinger, out of LGR Gianna by Victory Power Play
LGR Dolly , purebred angus, sired by Wallstreet Son (Angus)
LGR Madeline, Dark Heifer Oct 15, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Fern, born October 16, 2018, 50% MG, sired by LGR Delmonico by Keighlian Wensleydale, out of LGR Tiffany, Maine/Chi
Due June 2025 to LGR Kiwi
LGR Katrina, Purebred Black Angus, March 17 , 2022,
out of LGR Gisela.
Due April, 2025 by LGR Kiwi by JB Gunrunner
LGR Latte, dark heifer, born Dec 31, 23, sired by LGR J.Hobbitt, out of LGR Chocolatte by KT A-Rockin On
LGR Merrielegs, born June 21, 24, sired by
LGR Flintlock, out of Sunnyridge Fancy Free
LGR Brio, sired by HA Zanzibar,
out of VF Yoshi, by Twin Fir Black Powder
LGR Morgan, dark bull, born Dec 1, 24 to Morgan Rivers Zinger
McNeal's Jersey Lily, born June 13, 2021, sired by DG Eeni Meeni Mighty Mo, out of Eagles Run Greenbriar, by Eagles Run Dynasty
LGR Mint Julip, silver heifer, Nov 18, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Huckleberry, 50% MG, born Feb.3, 2020, sired by ALZ Zinnel's Valer, out of unregistered purebred MG cow.
LGR Marshal Dillon, silver bull, born Aug 4, 2024 by LGR Delmonico
LGR Maddison, NOct 30, 24, sired by Morgan Rivers Zinger, out of Festiva, club calf yellow Jacket Gdaughter
LGR Mandy, 50% MG , born June 6, 24, sired by LGR Kiwi, out of LGR Gisela, purebred Angus
McNeal's Journey, born June 22, 21, sired by DG Eeni Meeni Mighty Mo, out of TR95G Zam, by Morgan Rivers Zamora
Due Nov, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
Locust Grove Ranch
Premium Beef Cattle
LGR Jane Austin, 75% MG, May 15, 2021, sired by LGR Gladiator, out of LGR Gerdy, by LGR Diesel by Banksia Ridge Zorro
LGR MAGA Trump, dark bull, born Nov 5, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
Sunnyridge Beamer, sired by Windy Acres Zig Zag,
out of RS Tiger Lily, by JB Black Bart
LGR Moody Blues, Dark Bull, Nov 6, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Lodestar, dark heifer, born May 30, 23, sired by Sunnyridge Justa Golden Boy, out of Sunnyridge Honey Babe
LGR Lakota, 50% MG black heifer, born Dec 9, 23, sired by LGR J.Hobbitt, out of LGR Festiva (Yellow Jacket)
LGR Festiva, Club Calf Heifer, Maine/Angus
Yellow Jacket granddaughter
LGR Maddison, Dark heifer, Oct 30, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger by JB Roar
LGR Mocha, Nov 3, 24 sired by Morgan Rivers Zinger, out of LGR Kahlua by LGR Flintlock
LGR Evening Star, June 9, 2017, sired by Wee-Gun Tjandamara,
out of JB Y'Easter, by HD Vizier Imhotep
Due Dec, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Midnight Magic, black heifer, born March 25, 24, sired by red angus, out of LGR Eclair, 50% MG by KT A-Rockin On
LGR Kahlua, 75% MG, born Jan 23, 2022, sired by LGR Flintlock, out of LGR Chocolatte, by KT A-Rockin On
LGR Mocha, dark heifer, born Nov 3, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Leslie, 12-28-23, silver heifer, sired by LGR J.Hobbitt, out of LGR Harper by LGR Columbo.
LGR Mae West, silver heifer, born April 2, 24, sired by LGR Kiwi, out of LGR Augustina by SRR Virginian
LGR Mint Julep, silver heifer, Nov 18, 24, sired by Morgan Rivers Zinger, out of McNeals Jersey Lily
LGR Chocolatte, 50% MG, sired by KT A-Rockin On,
out of LGR Blackie, by Yamsi , Purebred Angus.
LGR M&M, black heifer, 11-7-24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Heathereth, born June 9, 2020, sired by KT A-Rockin On,
out of JB Y'Easter by HD Viser Imhotep
Due June 24, 2025 to LGR Godaddy
MLJ Amelia, sired by Twin Fir Tomahawk,
out of MLJ Yakira, by HA Mister Muscle
Due June 25, 2025 to LGR Kiwi
LGR Melody, Dark heifer born Mar 21, 24, sired by LGR Kiwi, out of LGR Heartbreaker by KT A-Rockin On
Breeding and Sale of Murray Grey Beef Cattle in Tenmile, Oregon
DG Cordelia, silver , sired by DG Admiral,
out of DG Agatha, by Rachel's Xenon.
LGR Matilda, silver heifer, born April 21, 2024
by Sunnyridge Handsome Hunk
LGR Gisela, commercial Black Angus, April 17, 2019
Due April 11, 2025 to LGR Kiwi
LGR Jasmine, born June 27, 21, sired by Wallawong Under the Radar, out of Ha Yakiki, by Monarch Oak Extra
LGR Mandela, Dark bull, Nov 23, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
While we use great care to choose excellent Murray Grey Bull genetics, we feel our breeding cows are the backbone of the herd and take pride in our mama cows that produce such great seedstock for others to build on. Our female lines combine the best of the US , Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, and we are constantly looking for new bloodlines that will improve the genetic possibilities. We aim for a balanced medium frame, long thick rectangle body, level topline, generous udder, all supported by short legs and strong hooves. Our cows do come when called and most love to be scratched, but we never forget that we are making a food product, and one that cannot get pregnant every year, mother the calf, and flood it with milk has no place in the gene pool. Our steers finish on grass alone, with no implants or hormones, and we never fail to get compliments from the Butcher shop and our repeat customers on the finished beef.
LGR Hermione, born June 12, 2020, sired by KT A-Rockin On,
out of LGR Augustina by SRR Virginian.
Due Nov 24, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Kelly Frost, silver heifer, born Sept.11, 22, sired by JB GunRunner, out of LGR Hattie by LGR Columbo
Due Nov, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Hyacinth, out of LGR Buttercup by Eagles Run Dynasty, sired by LGR Eclipse by Wee Gun Tjandamara
Due Dec, 2024 by LGR Kiwi
LGR Morning Star, Dark heifer, born Jan 16, 24, sired by LGR J. Hobbitt, out of LGR Evening Star by WeeGun Tjandamarra
LGR Gerdy, born March 24, 2019, sired by LGR Diesel by Banksia Ridge Zorro, out of LGR Brio by HA Zanzibar.
Due March 11, 2025 by LGR Kiwi
LGR Lexi, silver heifer, 75% MG, born Sept 21, 23, sired by Bottlesford Kudos, out of LGR Huckleberry by ALZ Zinnels Valer
LGR Jazz Singer, 75% MG, June 6, 21, sired by LGR Gladiator, out of LGR Gianna, sired by Victory Power Play
Due Nov, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Kindred Spirit, silver heifer, born Oct 7, 22, sired by JB Gunrunner, out of LGR Hermione by KT A-Rockin On
Due Nov, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Josephine, May 27, 21, sired by LGR Delmonico, out of LGR Erica, by KCC Diplomats Ballet
LGR Mossy Oak, dark bull, born Nov 16, 24 to Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Kory, silver heifer, born Sept 23, 22, sired by JB Gunrunner, out of LGR Heirloom, by KT A-Rockin On
Due Nov, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Lydia, silver heifer, born April 26, 23, sired by SunnyRidge GoDaddy, out of DG Cordelia by DG Admiral
LGR Gianna, born May 6, 2019, sired by Victory Power Play, out of VF Bertha by HA Zanzibar
LGR Marley, dark heifer, born Nov 3, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Josie, black heifer, 50% MG, May 8, 2021, sired by LGR Delmonico, out of LGR Dinah, by Wallstreet ( Angus )
Due Nov, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Fabrianna, born June 7, 2018, sired by LGR Delmonico, out of LGR Crystal Blu, by the Glen Manuel
LGR MoJo, dark bull, born Nov 16, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Kindness, 50% MG dark heifer, born July 24, 22 , sired by Sunny Ridge GoDaddy, out of LGR Charity, Maine/Anjou
Due Nov, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Jillian, Dark Grey, June 20, 2020, sired by LGR Flagstaff, out of LGR Elsa
Due May 3, 2025 to LGR Kiwi
JB Y-Easter,sired by HD Vizier Imhotep ET
out of JB Navarra, by Willalooka Pharaoh
Due Jan 13, 2025 to LGR Kiwi
Our Murray Grey Beef Cows
LGR Buttercup, sired by Eagles Run Dynasty,
out of Eagles Run Solander by Willalooka Unity
Due Feb, 2025 to LGR Kiwi
LGR Madeline, Oct 15, 24, sired by Morgan Rivers Zinger, out of LGR Dolly, Wallstreet Gdaughter
LGR Leading Lady, silver heifer,born 2-9-23, sired by Sunnyridge GoDaddy, out of LGR Gerdy by LGR Diesel by Banksia Ridge Zorro
LGR Jemima, born Sept.22, 21, sired by LGR Delmonico, out of MLJ Amelia sired by Twin Fir Tomahawk
LGR Mckenzie, dark bull, Feb 4-2024 by Sunnyridge Handsome Hunk
SunnyRidge Fancy Free, March 1, 2018, sired by HA Bentley,
out of SunnyRidge Betsy, by Windy Acres Zig Zag
Due June 11, 2025 to Cranbrook Lusty
LGR Lucy, dark heifer, born Aug 27, 23, sired by HA Maximum, out of LGR Jazz Singer by LGR Gladiator
LGR Limelight, silver heifer, 75% MG, 11-3-23, sired by Wallawong Vinnie Roe, out of LGR Josie by LGR Delmonico
LGR Harper, jan 6, 2020, sired by LGR Columbo,
out of HA Athena by HA Extract.
LGR Macbeth, silver bull, born Nov 11, 24 by Morgan Rovers Zinger
LGR Leanne, dark heifer 11-12-23, sired by The Glen Guru, out of LGR Jasmine, by Wallawong Under The Radar
LGR Heart Breaker, born June 6, 2020, sired by KT A-Rockin On, out of HA Yakiki, by Monarch Oak Extra
Due Jan, 2025 by LGR Kiwi
Eagles Run Snow Trillium, sired by Eagles Run Xterra,
out of Eagles Run Trillium , by WCC Freightliner
Due June 24, 2025 to Banksia Ridge ZorroLGR Jonquil, May 9, 2021, sired by LGR Delmonico, out of Eagles Run Snow Trillium, by Eagles Run Xterra.
Due Nov 22, 24 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
LGR Eclair, 50% MG, sired by KT A-Rockin On by ALZ Zinnel's Valer,
out of LGR Charity, Maine Anjou.
Due Feb 28, 2025 by LGR Kiwi by JB Gunrunner
LGR Keepsake, dark heifer, born Sept 2, 2022 sired by TR 146F KT Zack, out of Eagles Run Marie, by Yamba Werewolf
Due Nov, 2024 by Morgan Rivers Zinger
HA Yakiki, sired by Monarch Oak Extra,
out of HA Tahiti, by The Glen Manuel
Due maybe sometime to Morgan Rivers Zinger,
looking pregnant in december